Create EPiServer Composer functions with Page Type Builder

This article was migrated from an older iteration of our website, and it could deviate in design and functionality.

In this post we look at how to create Composer functions, such as layout blocks and content blocks, with Page Type Builder.

Estimated read time : 10 minutes

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Introduction to Composer Functions

Composer functions are essentially user controls. They can also consist of a page type if they require properties. A composer function can be a…

  • content function (content block)
  • layout function (layout block)
  • combined function (layout and content combined)

Create a tab class to add properties to the Composer tab

This is required in order to be able to add properties to the different Composer tabs, both inside edit mode and when editing Composer functions. For information on how to create the ComposerTab class, see my post on how to create a Composer page type with Page Type Builder.

Create a function page type base class

Before we proceed we create a simple base class for our Composer functions, mainly because there are two properties that must always be present:

public abstract class ComposerFunctionBase : PageTypeBase
        DisplayInEditMode = false,
        Searchable = false,
        UniqueValuePerLanguage = true,
        Type = typeof(ExtensionFunctionProperty),
        Tab = typeof(ComposerTab))]
    public virtual string ExtensionContentFunctionProperty { get; set; }
        UniqueValuePerLanguage = false,
        Searchable = false,
        DisplayInEditMode = false,
        Tab = typeof(ComposerTab))]
    public virtual bool NeverUsedProperty { get; set; }

Since we use ETF we inherit the PageTypeBase class, but if you’re using plain Page Type Builder you can simply inherit TypedPageData instead.

Create a new content block

A content block consists of a page type for maintaining the function properties, and a user control for displaying the actual content.

Create the function page type

Create a page type class inheriting the base class we created earlier. It should contain any properties required for the editor to be able to properly work with the content block’s content. For this example we’ll settle for a PropertyImageUrl property that the editor can set to make the content block display an image:

    Name = "Image",
    Description = "Displays a single image",
    Filename = "/Templates/UserControls/Composer/ImageFunction.ascx")]
public class ImageFunction : ComposerFunctionBase
        EditCaption = "Image",
        HelpText = "Select an image to display",
        Type = typeof(PropertyImageUrl),
        Tab = typeof(ComposerTab))]
    public virtual string Image { get; set; }

Note: It’s important that the property is added to the ComposerTab mentioned earlier, otherwise the property won’t show up when editing the function.

Create the function user control

Next we create a new user control for our content block:

Content block user control

We make the ImageFunction user control inherit Composer’s BaseContentFunction class:

public partial class ImageFunction : BaseContentFunction

In order for the user control to actually display the image we have to add some markup to it. In many cases, such as when rendering a PropertyXhtmlString property you’d use the <Extension:Property /> control. However, if we’d use that control for a PropertyImageUrl property we’d get a link to the image rendered. That wouldn’t do us much good, so instead we add the following:

<img src='<%= ContentFunctionData["Image"] %>' alt="" />

The ContentFunctionData property can be used to retrieve the value of any function property, in this case the selected image URL.

Set function access settings and rules in admin mode

Next we build our project and go to the EPiServer Composer settings in admin mode. We should be able to see our new Image function:

Composer functions in admin mode

We click the Image function and click the Access tab to set permissions for it (not sure why some of the labels are in Swedish here):

Setting Compose function permissions

When we click Save we are presented with the rules for the function. I simply check the Select all checkbox and then click Save and Continue:

Setting Composer function rules

Now, if we refresh our Composer page we should see our new Image content block in the toolbox:

Composer toolbox

Try the new content block

If we drag the Image content block to a content area we can try out the function’s properties by clicking the Edit option:

Editing a Composer function

Since we only added a single PropertyImageUrl property, that’s what we see:

Setting a Composer function property value

If we click Save we’ll be able to see our content block in action:

Rendered Composer content block

Create a new layout block

Let’s create a “50/50 divider” which can be used to divide a content area into two equally sized columns.

First, create a user control just like you normally would…

Composer layout block user control

…and make sure it inherits the BaseContentFunction class:

public partial class FiftyFiftyDividerFunction : BaseContentFunction


Next, add two ExtensionContentArea controls to it, one for each column:

<div class="fifty-fifty-divider">
<div class="first">
<Extension:ExtensionContentArea ID="FirstColumn" Description="The first column" runat="server" />
<div class="second">
<Extension:ExtensionContentArea ID="SecondColumn" Description="The second column" runat="server" />

In order to make these two columns appear next to each other we’ll add some CSS to style our layout block:

.fifty-fifty-divider .first { float: left; width: 48%; }
.fifty-fifty-divider .second { float: right; width: 48%; }

Next, make sure to build your project to ensure the control’s type has been compiled.

The layout block function must be registered in admin mode under Tools / EPiServer Composer:

Registering a Composer layout block function

If we look at the Available Content Areas tab we’ll see the two content areas we added with the ExtensionContentArea control:

Available Content Areas for the layout block

Set access settings and rules

As with the content block earlier we need to go into admin mode to set permissions and rules for our layout block.

Try out the new layout block

If we edit our Composer page we’ll notice the new layout block in the toolbox:

Composer toolbox with new layout block

We can now add this layout block to easily place two content blocks in two adjacent columns:

Placing two content blocks in a layout block divider

But we didn’t use Page Type Builder?

That’s true. This layout block didn’t require any properties, so we skipped that step. However, in practice we created a page type for the function when we registered it in admin mode earlier.

That’s it!

Any feedback or questions are welcome in the comments section! Happy composing! :)