EPiServer Google Maps editor on NuGet

This article was migrated from an older iteration of our website, and it could deviate in design and functionality.

The Google Maps editor, for editing coordinates in EPiServer, can now easily be added to any EPiServer 7.5 website through EPiServer's NuGet feed.

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The editor can be used to edit any string property, or a complex property (i.e. block type) with two float properties called Longitude and Latitude:


How to use

Install the EPiServer.GoogleMapsEditor package from the EPiServer NuGet feed:


To enable the editor for a property, simply create an editor descriptor or add a ClientEditor attribute setting the editor class (i.e. dijit type) to “tedgustaf.googlemaps.Editor”:


You are now able to specify coordinates by right-clicking a map, or by searching for an address or location using Google Places:


Should the need arise, the custom editor can always be removed, leaving readable and editable property values:


The package is called EPiServer.GoogleMapsEditor and is available in the EPiServer NuGet feed.

Note: Google API key requirement

Since June 2016, Google requires an API key for the Maps API. In order for the editor to work for websites launched after June 2016, or for development on localhost, you need to acquire an API key and add it in the Editor.js file. This has been fixed in version 1.0.8 of the NuGet package.