We have been working with less in our projects for quite some time now. It gives you all the nice things that come with inheritance, variables, mixins and simple arithmetic.
We started to use dotLess to output css from less files, that Ted describes more in this article about setting up dotLess. Nowdays we are using the built-in bundling support in asp.net combined with different minifications.
I have been missing one thing though. And that is a way to get a quick preview of the completely compiled version of the less files.
While searching for ways to solve this, that is when I stumbled upon the Web Essentials plugin for Visual Studio 2013.
- compiling of less and coffeescript
- loss-less optimization of images with just a click-away
- ZenCoding
- custom editors that give you Intellisense for robots.txt for example
- and a lot more
...support to Visual Studio.
So if you haven't tried it, make sure you check it out: http://vswebessentials.com/